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![]() Cordwellyn's Underground Warehouse[3] Cordwellyns WarehouseWorkers: Grish, Kerik, Harap, Bolik male human War1: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 1d8+2; hp 10; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0; AL LG; Str 16, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 12. Languages Spoken: Common, Sylvan. Skills and feats: Climb +7, Hide +1, Intimidate +5, Listen +0, Move silently +1, Open lock +3, Ride +5, Spot +0; Improved unarmed strike, Track. possessions: club, whip, nothing, nothing, 3d4 gold per person (3, 4, 7, 9) Knowledge: nothing. Secret: Secret trap door to underground offices. Unused emergency exit. Located in adjacent shack. [3b] Cordwellyns Warehouse 2Rogues: Nadezhda (human female, align NE, Rog1) dark blonde, boyish takes care of Thjodhild (human female, LN, Rog2) sick, brunette, Kurbon (male dwarf, LE, Rog3) darkskinned, Venyas second, Welby (halfling male, align N, Rog2) with his trainee Cothya (see below) Helping hands: Thorgeir, male human Com1: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 4 in. tall); HD 1d4; hp 4; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +0 (+0 Base) melee, or +0 (+0 Base) ranged; SV Fort +0 (+0 Base), Ref +0 (+0 Base), Will +0 (+0 Base); AL NE; Str 11 (+0), Dex 11 (+0), Con 10 (+0), Int 10 (+0), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 10 (+0). Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Climb +6 (+4 Rank, +2 Focus), Hide +0, Listen +0, Move silently +0, Open lock +2 (+2 Rank), Profession +4 (+4 Rank), Spot +0; Point blank shot, Skill focus (climb). Possessions: 4 gp in gear. Gudris, female human Com1: CR 1; Size M (4 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 1d4; hp 7; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +0 (+0 Base) melee, or +0 (+0 Base) ranged; SV Fort +0 (+0 Base), Ref +0 (+0 Base), Will +0 (+0 Base); AL NE; Str 11 (+0), Dex 11 (+0), Con 11 (+0), Int 10 (+0), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 10 (+0). Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Heal +4 (+2 Rank, +2 Focus), Hide +0, Knowledge (nature) +2 (+2 Rank), Listen +0, Move silently +0, Sense motive +2 (+2 Rank), Spot +0; Skill focus (heal), Toughness. Possessions: 4 gp in gear. Everyones pet: black cat, loves to be petted. Siobhans favorite.
1) Venyas sleeping quarters. Also, his and Cordwellyn Office. 2) Entrance from stables (area 2, page 8) This area is watched by a guard from area 6 through concealed door. Should any problems arise, hell sound an alarm and reinformcements (2 4 rounds) will arrive thorugh bothdoors. 3) Dormitory for everyone. 4) Meeting and dining room. All mundane goods are stored here (weapons and armors for bandits). Features: pillows, iron bars, wall basin. 5) Archive and treasury. Door (east, 1 from north): iron, free, down-sliding, trapped [trap: spiked pit trap (20 ft. deep) (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)] Trap: poison needle trap (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21) Treasure:
6) Armory and goods robbed from various caravans (Cothya) Cothya, female half-orc Bbn2/Rog1: CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 2d12+6 + 1d6+3; hp 31; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 40 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +6 +Rage 2(+2 Base, +4 Str [obsidian longsword, d8+1+4+Rage2]) melee, or +5 (+2 Base, +3 Dex) ranged; SV Fort +6 (+3 Base, +3 Con), Ref +5 (+2 Base, +3 Dex), Will +2 (+0 Base, +2 Wis); AL LE; Str 19 (+4), Dex 16 (+3), Con 16 (+3), Int 12 (+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 10 (+0). Languages Spoken: Abyssal, Common, Orc. Skills and feats: Appraise +5 (+4 Rank, +1 Int), Climb +9 (+5 Rank, +4 Str), Hide +3 (+3 Dex), Jump +9 (+5 Rank, +4 Str), Listen +2 (+2 Wis), Move silently +3 (+3 Dex), Sense motive +6 (+4 Rank, +2 Wis), Spellcraft +3 (+2 Rank, +1 Int), Spot +4 (+2 Rank, +2 Wis), Tumble +7 (+4 Rank, +3 Dex); Run, Track. Cothya is aspecial case she was destined to become a shaman instead she elected to join a diminutive halfling in order to become a rogue. She wants to discover her origins, as her very delicate dark skin makes her something of a oddity. In combat she uses a crossbow and than she follows with a flurry of blows. |
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