Feats; Wizard Feats
author: Soltares
email: not revealed
date: 2003-06-02
status: test
No queefy Bloodline / Scion Feats need apply! These ones
are for the guys who read books and stuff, and don't have
any dragons, genies, fey or outsiders in their ancestry,
just the usual complement of monstrous relations, the
impossible-to-please parents, cloyingly-sweet-aunts and
Arcane Flexibility
You can prepare 1 additional spell per day for each level
of spells known. You can only *cast* the same number of
spells, but can cast from the available prepared options.
Any leftover prepared spell for a given spell level is
wiped away when the wizard has cast his last available
spell of that level for the day.
So a 7th level Wizard with a 16 Intelligence can prepare 1
4th level spell per day, normally. He has both Stoneskin
and Ice Storm in his spellbook. With this Feat, he can
prepare both spells, and cast either of them, but both are
lost when he casts either, as he can cast only a single 4th
level spell per day in any event. He also has one
additional option for his 3rd, 2nd, 1st and Cantrip level
magics, but these extra preparations also take time and are
lost when he casts his normal maximum number of spells for
those levels.
Prereq: 7th level Wizard or 5th level Wizard with a 16+
Flexible Specialist
You can prepare 1 additional spell per day for each level
of spells known, but this extra preparation must be a spell
of your school of specialty. You can only *cast* the same
number of spells, but can cast from the available prepared
options. Any leftover prepared spell for a given spell
level is wiped away when the wizard has cast his last
available spell of that level for the day.
So a 5th level Wizard specializing in the school of
Illusion with a 14 Intelligence can prepare two 3rd level
spells per day, one normally, and one bonus spell from the
school of Illusion. He has Stinking Cloud, Major Image and
Displacement in his spellbook, and can take extra time in
the morning to prepare all three of them. He can cast any
two of the three over the course of the day, but loses the
preparation of the third option when he casts his second
choice, as he can cast no more than two spells per day in
any event. He also has one additional option for his 2nd,
1st and Cantrip level magics, but these extra preparations
also take time and are lost when he casts his normal
maximum number of spells for those levels.
Prereq: 5th level Specialist Wizard or 3rd level Wizard
with a 14+ Intelligence.
Spontaneous Mastery
The Wizard can cast up to his Intelligence modifier in
Mastered spells spontaneously over the course of the day,
even if he has no spells of that type prepared at the
time. So a Wizard with an Intelligence of 16 and Spell
Mastery covering Magic Missile, Mage Armor and Charm
Person, can spontaneously cast up to 3 spell levels per day
from that list, in any combination, in place of prepared
spells of equal level. If he has multiple instances of
Spell Mastery, he can use any Mastered spells, but cannot
use this Feat to spontaneously cast a spell higher than 3rd
level, as he is limited to spontaneously casting 3 spell
levels per day total (unless his Intelligence modifier
later increases).
Prereq: Wizard, Spell Mastery
Master of (School Name, so 'Master of Illusion' or 'Master
of Necromancy')
A Wizard who has Specialized in a particular school of
magic can designate one spell per level of spells to
Master. She no longer needs a spellbook to prepare this
selection of spells.
Prereq: Specialist Wizard, Spell Mastery (all chosen spells
must be from the appropriate Specialty school)
Spontaneous Specialist
A Specialist Wizard with this Feat can spontaneously cast
any known spell of appropriate level from her specialty
school in any of her bonus specialist spell slots.
So a 10th level Necromancer with Cause Fear, Ray of
Enfeeblement and Chill Touch in his spell book can prepare
any of them as his bonus spell for 1st level, and then
spontaneously cast it as either other option, if desired.
He can do the same for his bonus 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th
level spell slots (and Cantrips, if that option is used,
and more than one Cantrip of that school is available).
Prereq: 7th level Specialist Wizard, Master of (School
Sorcerous Cantrips
The Wizard can mix and match between her Cantrips freely,
as a Sorcerer. She still only has the normal number
of 'slots' / day appropriate to a Wizard of her level, but
she is treated a Sorcerer when casting them. She does not
lose the preparation, and may cast a spell that she has
only 'prepared' once as many times as she has slots
available. She can still choose to prepare different
cantrips at any time, unlike a Sorcerer.
Elemental (Energetic) Focus
Stacks with Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Malign Spell
Focus, etc. Acts as Spell Focus on spells of one
particular energy designator, either Acid, Cold,
Electricity, Sonic or Fire. This Feat can also be learned
to apply to spells with the Shadow designator. [But not
the 'Force' descriptor.]
Penetrating Spell [Metamagic]
A spell memorized with this Feat is treated as if the
caster were as many levels higher as his primary
spellcasting modifier, but only for the purposes of the
level check to overcome spell resistance. So a 7th level
Cleric with a 21 Wisdom can modify a spell with this Feat
so that he is treated as a 12th level caster to overcome
spell resistance. A spell modified with this Feat is
treated takes up a slot one level higher than normal. This
Feat does not stack with itself, so that same Cleric cannot
prepare a spell 2 levels higher than normal to add twice
his Wisdom modifier to his caster level.
Prereq: The Heighten Spell Feat *or* the Greater Spell
Penetration Feat.
Potent Spell [Metamagic]
Acts as the above Feat, but the spell is increased by 3
slots, and counts as if the caster were higher level for
*all* level-based variables, including range and damage, in
many cases. This Feat does not stack with itself, but can
be stacked with the Penetrating Spell Feat (in which case a
9th level Wizard with a 20 Intelligence would count the
modified spell as 4 levels higher than normal, but be
treated as a 14th level caster for all level-based
variables, and a 19th level caster for Spell Resistance
Prereq: Requires the Penetrating Spell Feat.
Spontaneous Cantrips
The Wizard can choose a number of Cantrips equal to her
Intelligence modifier. She can then spontaneously change
any other cantrip into one of her Mastered cantrips. [Can
also change any higher level spell into a Metamagic
adjusted cantrip, using any Metamagic Feat(s) already known
to her. So a Wizard with Daze among her Mastered Cantrips,
and the Extend Spell Metamagic Feat, can sacrifice a 1st
level spell to throw an Extended Daze.] These cantrips are
also treated as Mastered, and the Wizard could prepare them
even without the benefit of a spellbook.
Extra Cantrips
The spellcaster gains the use of additional cantrips per
day as dictated by the modifier from his primary
spellcasting attribute. So a Cleric with a 15 Wisdom gets
2 extra cantrips per day, since she has a Wisdom modifier
of +2, while a Sorcerer with a 23 Charisma gets +6 slots
per day for the casting of cantrips (but learns no
additional cantrips, he just gets to use the ones he knows
more regularly).
[Special: a caster will only gain 1 extra cantrip / spell
level available, including 0-level spells. So the Sorcerer
with a 23 Charisma will have to wait until he can cast 5th
level spells to get the full +6 slots / day, while the
Cleric with a 15 Wisdom will be able to cast her 2 bonus
cantrips / day at 1st level, since she can already cast 2
levels of spells, 1st and 0-level.]
In other Wizardly news, I noticed while surfing Sean K
Reynolds site that a Specialist Wizard is supposed to get a
bonus Cantrip each day from his School of Specialization in
addition to his other bonus spells. Something I hadn't
really ever considered, but sensible.
Heck, I'm surprised there aren't Domain Cantrips for
Clerics. :)
/ Trickstergod comments /
Just because I'm generally such an over-critical ass (and
might still get back to the previous spell thread from
before), I'll say that, at the moment, the feats seem more
or less balanced, decent feats.
I will say, however, that you shouldn't have two different
prerequisites for a feat. It just overcomplicates things
needlessly. Just use the Intelligence-based Prerequisite,
without the Intelligence modifier. Most Wizards will have a
16 or 14+ Intelligence, and those who don't need all the
help they can get. That, or if you don't feel the lower
level prerequisites are high enough, just use the higher
value, without the lower value plus Intelligence as a
second option.