Feats; Team Tactics & Team Commander

author: Ruemere (Ruemere)
email: ruemere (maupa) gmail (kropka) com
date: 2002-08-29
status: test

A fighting chance for low-level, yet numerous, warriors, the feats presented below may prove to be an alternative to beefing up cityguards and soldiers.

Any comments are welcome as the ideas are yet to be playtested.

Team Commander

Prerequisites: A week long military training with your soldiers, Int 10+, Cha 13+, Leadership feat, Team Tactics feat.

Description: A good officer knows how to direct his soldier to gain maximum tactical advantage over opponents. This is the reason the officers from military academies are often considered to be an invaluable asset on battlefield.

Benefit: Each time you participate in a combat, you may take a move-equivalent action to order other soldiers. Each soldier capable of taking orders from you (i.e. of lower rank and able to hear you) with Team Tactics feat and within 60' from you, gains morale bonus equal to 1 per 4 character levels or your Charisma bonus (whichever is less) on all Fear checks (including morale checks) and gains tactical bonus on all attack rolls equal to 1 per 4 character levels or your Charisma bonus (whichever is less). The effects of this feat are applied from the moment you performe the action until your next turn.

The soldiers without Team Tactics feat gain +1 tactical bonus on their attack rolls and +1 morale bonus on their Fear checks.

Special: Note, that bonuses of the same name do not stack. In other words, tactical bonuses from Team Commander and Team Tactics feats do not stack. Also, tactical type bonuses do not stack with flanking bonuses.

Team Tactics

Prerequisites: A week long military training with other team members, BAB 1+, Int 10+.

Description: You went through strenuous military training. Now you know not only how to use the weapon, but also how to work in a team, how to time your strikes to catch your opponent off-guard and how to better distract your opponent to help your team.

Benefit: Each time you perform a melee attack action, you gain a tactical bonus to your attack roll, equal to the number of attack actions performed by your teammates against your opponent earlier this round. So, the first soldier to attack the enemy would gain no bonus, the second would gain +1, the third +2 and so on.

In case of initiative tie between team members, assume that trained soldiers know the order in which they are supposed to attack.

Special: Note, that bonuses of the same name do not stack. In other words, tactical bonuses from Team Commander and Team Tactics feats do not stack. Also, tactical type bonuses do not stack with flanking bonuses.