RPG updates
So just before I reach the diner, John Wayne appears out of nowhere and throws me this big, shit-eating grin ... And I turn around and throw it back.
— Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon, PREACHER Gone to Texas
You're at the starting point for RPG campaign updates I share with my players, an occasional article I posted under my nick, Ruemere, and sometimes an odd piece of work I happen to make.
Updates (in descending order)
2025-03-12, campaign updates: Clockwork and Soulsick
Third session, yay! We're getting close to the heart of the matter, and the time grows scarce. Yes, we're taking our time, but we're adults, we have commitments, we cannot play as often as we would like.
2025-02-04, campaign updates: Clockwork and Soulsick
We have begun a new campaign. A different system than expected, but what an incredible fun it is to devise material for it.
Let's embark on a journey into dark heart of Clockwork and Soulsick.
2024-09-29, campaign updates: Miserable Secrets
Heroes complete their infiltration of the theatre, find a lot of information and have an epic showdown with a piano.
Thus the adventure completes. Make sure to read the epilogue section.
2024-09-14, campaign updates: Cavaliers of Mars
The players, consulted, declared that once the current campaign ends, they want to revisit Cavaliers of Mars. Since then, I have put a lot of work refreshing memories, refactoring rules of the hack, and also making new content.
It will be some time before things will be made fully available. For now, check the campaign page and look for Major Update tag at the bottom of the page near the fact sheet links.
2024-09-01, campaign updates: Cold City, Miserable Secrets
Cold City - campaign I haven't dared to run: A short account of my experiences of venturing into a difficult territory.
Miserable Secrets: Progress update of currently running campaign.
2024-08-22, a campaign update: Cavaliers of Mars
My notes for Cavaliers of Mars campaign. Despite being put on hiatus, I do hope to return to it, and so I briefly share inspirations, GM screen, characters sheets and a fact sheet worth of three adventures. There is also a review for an adventure book expansion.
2024-08-21, a campaign update: Miserable Secrets
Here's the first campaign update. The campaign is still ongoing (let's just say that the Covid and our lives take also their share of our time). Originally intended as a simple one-off adventure, it grew on me and my players until it blossomed into a full story with lots of meandering. The first adventure is Requiem for a Paladin.
2024-08-19, an odd item
We're starting with an odd item: Basics for article creation. This is a short guideline piece introducing to Markdown files. I fully intend to create things as Markdown files using minimalist syntax, and then, if necessary, convert them to html 5 template I have created for this site.